Official Government Website

Improving School Climate – for findings from Schools Implementing Restorative Practices.

Outcome studies on restorative practice found at the following sights:

Additional Material:
Other Articles Online:
  • Restorative Justice Dialogue: An Essential Guide for Research and Practice – Mark Umbreit, PhD., Marilyn Peterson Armour, PhD.
  • The Little Book of Restorative Justice – Howard Zehr
  • Crime, Shame and Reintegration – John Braithwaite
  • Restorative Community Justice: Repairing Harm and Transforming Communities, Gordon Bazemore and Mara Schiff (Mar 2001)
  • Juvenile Justice Reform and Restorative Justice – Gordon Bazemore and Mara Schiff (Nov 2004)
  • Restorative Justice Conferencing – Gordon Bazemore and Mara Schiff (Apr 2005)
  • The Little Book of Circle Processes: A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking – Kay Pranis
  • Restorative Justice Conferencing: Real Justice & The Conferencing Handbook – Ted Wachtel, Terry O’Connell and Ben Wachtel
  • Shame and Pride: Affect, Sex, and the Birth of the Self – Donald L. Nathanson
  • The Little Book of Restorative Disciplines for School – Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz and Judy H. Mullet
  • The Little Book of Family Group Conferences – Allan MacRea and Howard Zehr
  • The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing: Bringing Victims & Offenders Together in Dialogue – Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz
  • Restorative Circles in Schools: Building Community and Enhancing Learning – Bob Costello, Joshua Wachtel and Ted Wachtel
  • The Restorative Practices Handbook for Teachers, Disciplinarians and Administrators – Bob Costello, Joshua Wachtel and Ted Wachtel
  • Safer Saner Schools: Restorative Practices in Education – Edited by Laura Mirsky and Ted Wachtel

RC – Restorative Conferencing
VOM/D – Victim Offender Mediation / Dialogue
FGC – Family Group Conferencing
PMC – Peace Making Circles

Restorative Conferencing
Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM)
Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)
Peacemaking Circles

Other Resources
Student Council
Facilitated Restorative Dialogue
Sentencing Circles
Informal Conferencing
Community Panels
Restorative Community Service
Accountability Boards
Restorative Service Learning



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