Official Government Website

About the Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC)
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Established in 1974 and most recently authorized in 2018, the Juvenile Justice and the Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) is based on a broad consensus that children, youth, and families involved with the juvenile and criminal courts should be guarded by federal standards for care and custody, while also upholding the interests of community safety and the prevention of victimization. Idaho has participated in the Act since inception. In 1995 the responsibility for the administration of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act funds was transferred to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections. This change provided the Juvenile Justice Commission the opportunity to become an integral part of Idaho’s juvenile justice system.

The Commission serves as the state advisory group responsible for performing the duties required by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, as amended. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Governor and are chosen from many fields, including local government, elected officials, juvenile justice professionals, judges, prosecutors, juveniles, business professionals, educators, youth and volunteers. The Commission, through its seven District Councils, works with communities to help them assess needs and resources and develops an Action Plan identifying their specific needs. These action plans become the basis for Idaho’s Three-Year Plan.

Duties of the Commission include:

  • Participate in the development and review of the state’s juvenile justice plan prior to submission to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections for final action.
  • Submit at least biannual recommendations regarding the state compliance with the requirements of the JJDPA, including deinstitutionalization of status offenders, sight and sound separation of juveniles from adults in jails, removal of juveniles from adult jails, and looking at racial and ethnic disparities in the system.
  • Contact and seek regular input from youth (and families) currently under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system.
  • Review and comment on grant applications and awards.

The IJJC and the IDJC strive to make Idaho a place where all children can grow up in safe communities and have the opportunity to be productive, contributing citizens.

→ Interested in current funding opportunities? Review the IJJC’s open subgrants here.

View the 2024 Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission Highlights:

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